Sagiri: Low Dynamic Range Image Enhancement with Generative Diffusion Prior  

Baiang Li1,5 Sizhuo Ma3 Yanhong Zeng1 Xiaogang Xu2,4 Zhao Zhang5 Youqing Fang1 Jian Wang✝3 Kai Chen1✝
Corresponding authors.
1Shanghai AI Laboratory 2The Chinese University of Hong Kong 3Snap Research 4Zhejiang University 5Hefei University of Technology

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What can Sagiri do?

Caption 1
Caption 2
Caption 3
Caption 1


Caption 2

After restoration model

Caption 3

Restoration model + Sagiri(On entire image)

Caption 1


Caption 2

After restoration model

Caption 3

Restoration model + Sagiri(With region selection)

Caption 1

Input | After restoration model

Caption 2

Restoration model + Sagiri(With prompt a)

Caption 3

Restoration model + Sagiri(With prompt b)

Prompt a: `A building with a red brick exterior, white columns, and a black door...'; Prompt b: `A building with a black brick exterior, white columns, and a red door...'. Please zoom in to see more details.

What's our task?

(a) Background: Common real-world scenes have an extensive dynamic range (1st row); camera image, usually 8-bit, has a limited dynamic range; images with different exposure times cover different zones of the dynamic range of the scene; the bright regions can easily get over-saturated and dark areas can be close to 0 or overwhelmed by noise (2nd and 3rd rows); HDR image, usually 32-bit or 64-bit, can represent the information of the original scene well traditionally through merging different exposure LDR images (4th row); the HDR image needs tone mapping to be shown on a LDR display or be saved as a traditional 8-bit image format (5th row).

(b) Our task is single LDR image enhancement: given an LDR image, output an enhanced version with improved tone mapping as well as detail generation or enhancement. It includes four subtasks as outlined on the right; our stage 1 Latent-SwinIR$_c$ is responsible for subtask 1 tone mapping, and our proposed Sagiri is responsible for subtasks 2-4 generating content on originally over-saturated and dark regions, enhancing details and reducing noise.

Methodology of Sagiri

Capturing the full dynamic range of natural scenes presents a significant challenge in photography, often resulting in Low Dynamic Range images with over and under-exposed areas, where content details are significantly diminished. In our project, we propose Sagiri model which is a versatile tool for fine-tuning restored results, generating more accurate details in known regions, and producing high-quality content in unknown regions. Additionally, it allows users to specify where and what to synthesize in areas lacking content, enhancing user engagement and control.

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